Monday 24 February 2014

Hobbit chapters 1 and 2 questions
Rhett Chartrand

1. They are about 3 feet tall, have no facial hair and have large feet. They can be a bit chubby and dress in bright colours.
2. That he wants to be polite when describing Bilbo and not say any negative things about him.
3. It is built into the side of the hill, has a circular door and many different tunnels as hallways. There are multiple windows.
4. He is described as being a respectful hobbit that never goes out or does anything exciting, although others in his family have been known to go on adventures.
5. He is about 50 years old. Yes I am surprised because by human standards that is old.
6. The yes, because it will affect how quickly they can travel at certain times and what not.
7. There is an adventurous past to his family and as a hobbit he has some remarkable traits that could come in happy.
8. Because he has never burgled before and seems unsure of himself.
9. I would think that he is the leader of the group. I would describe him as wearing robes, having a long beard and a staff. i would also say that he is tall.
10. Dwalin- blue beard and bright eyes.
Balin- old with a white beard and scarlet hood.
Kili and Fili- blue hoods and yellow beards.
Dori, Nori, Ori, Gin and Gloin- Two purple hoods, a grey hood, a brown hood and a white hood.
Bifur, Bofur, Bombur and Thorin- Two yellow hoods, one pale green one and a sky blue one.
11. That they are great builders and have great profits in the mountains. That they are adventurers and have a proud past. He momentarily entertains the notion of going with them on an adventure.
12. Because thirteen is often viewed as an unlucky number.
13. He is slightly anxious but believes it will be easy.
14. The terrain gets more covered with hills and trees cover a lot more of the land.
15. That there could be people or other beings where the light is. Bilbo is sent to investigate because he is the burglar and he is supposed to be sneaky.
16. They were very large, with large legs, hands and faces. They are also not very smart.
17. Bilbo found it, I suppose the author made him find so it would show that Bilbo can be useful.
18. They took some swords and weapons out and some food for themselves.
19. His ability to step out of his comfort zone and live without things he is normally accustomed to.

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