Monday 24 February 2014

Hobbit chapters 1 and 2 questions
Rhett Chartrand

1. They are about 3 feet tall, have no facial hair and have large feet. They can be a bit chubby and dress in bright colours.
2. That he wants to be polite when describing Bilbo and not say any negative things about him.
3. It is built into the side of the hill, has a circular door and many different tunnels as hallways. There are multiple windows.
4. He is described as being a respectful hobbit that never goes out or does anything exciting, although others in his family have been known to go on adventures.
5. He is about 50 years old. Yes I am surprised because by human standards that is old.
6. The yes, because it will affect how quickly they can travel at certain times and what not.
7. There is an adventurous past to his family and as a hobbit he has some remarkable traits that could come in happy.
8. Because he has never burgled before and seems unsure of himself.
9. I would think that he is the leader of the group. I would describe him as wearing robes, having a long beard and a staff. i would also say that he is tall.
10. Dwalin- blue beard and bright eyes.
Balin- old with a white beard and scarlet hood.
Kili and Fili- blue hoods and yellow beards.
Dori, Nori, Ori, Gin and Gloin- Two purple hoods, a grey hood, a brown hood and a white hood.
Bifur, Bofur, Bombur and Thorin- Two yellow hoods, one pale green one and a sky blue one.
11. That they are great builders and have great profits in the mountains. That they are adventurers and have a proud past. He momentarily entertains the notion of going with them on an adventure.
12. Because thirteen is often viewed as an unlucky number.
13. He is slightly anxious but believes it will be easy.
14. The terrain gets more covered with hills and trees cover a lot more of the land.
15. That there could be people or other beings where the light is. Bilbo is sent to investigate because he is the burglar and he is supposed to be sneaky.
16. They were very large, with large legs, hands and faces. They are also not very smart.
17. Bilbo found it, I suppose the author made him find so it would show that Bilbo can be useful.
18. They took some swords and weapons out and some food for themselves.
19. His ability to step out of his comfort zone and live without things he is normally accustomed to.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

The journey
Rhett Chartrand

2.a- I think a feeling of change would do this, a feeling as if change is coming or is already happening.
b- I would take my friends Reid and Maggie. They are the people I am closest to and the ones I would trust if things went downhill fast.
c- I might be more mature or more aware of what's going on in the world.
d- It might open me up to how other people live and interact. It might change my beliefs about things.
e- I imagine it would be kinda scary and at the same time it would be deeply interesting and enlighting.
f- A hero is a male, a heroine is a female. I think character qualities for a hero would be brave, confident and reassuring to those around them. Some deeds that would be expected of them would be risking harm for others, saving and helping other people.
g- At the end of most journeys the adventurer could turn into a people. The hero is normally the main character.

Friday 7 February 2014

Poetry questions

My Papa’s Waltz and Those Winter Sundays
My Papa’s Waltz
1.            Summarize in one sentence the main idea of this poem. How a father cares for his daughter.
2.       Characterize the speaker in the poem. How old do you think he is? I think he would be young, about 8 or so.
3.       How does the poet convey the perceptions of a child? As innocent and caring/loving.
4.       What childhood emotions are portrayed? Caring for a parent or innocence.
5.       List the details that create an ambiguous mood in "My Papa's Waltz," and discuss two different interpretations of the poem. The whiskey on the dads breath, the details of the fathers appearance and the boys age.
Those Winter Sundays
1.       Summarize in one sentence the main idea of this poem. The hard work of a father.
2.       How would you describe the speaker's father and the relationship between the poem's speaker and his father? Hard working and strict. I would I say that their relationship is strained.
3.       How do you define the words "offices" and "austere"? Offices is a workplace to me, and I do not know what austere is.
4.       From what point in time does the speaker view the subject of matter of the poem? I would say from a young age, maybe about ten.

5.       Why do you think “no one ever thanked him”? Because they all viewed what he did as what he was supposed to do.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Monologue #1

I can still remember how it all began. It was years ago in grade six at our schools first dance. As a young male of thirteen I believed myself to be invincible, the chosen one. But I believe that is something all young people believe. Like innocence it fades with time. To anybody else it wouldn't qualify as being romantic, it was just her asking me to slow dance to a song. But she was the first girl to ever do that, and to this day I can remember what song it was, what she looked like back then and how the world seemed to shrink till it was only us. After that we were friends, she of the abusive family and depression, me of the popular kids and loving family. All throughout middle school we were friends, never afraid to call on another in times of need.

Then high school arrived, with all its accursed drama and responsibilities. She never liked me the same way I liked her. You have to understand, to me she was my world. She was all I cared about. But to her, I was only a best friend, a brother. It took me a  long time to accept that. I still remember the feeling of my fist going into her first boyfriends face at a party. Me shouting obscenities at him as he lay on the ground. They broke up not long after that. We fought many times. I didn't approve of her foray into drugs and older men, and she hated my criticisms. There were times where we went months without talking, then out of nowhere we would meet and our friendship would blossom again.

I suppose you could say she is the source of all my problems today; smoking, drinking and my inability to grow close to anybody else. But for me those don't matter, I have her and she has me and that's what's important. I won't tell you her name, she's not the social type. But she's the type of girl who sits in the back of the class, the girl who wears black and long sleeves on sunny days. She's the girl everybody ignores and doesn't think twice about. But to me she is my best friend, that one person I want to talk to everyday.  

Short story questions

I Stand Here Ironing
Tilly Olsen
Discussion Questions 20-1

1.    Describe the narrator using as much detail as you can. I would believe her to be an old white lady, living in America, she has had a tough life and money has never been easy for them. She is divorced from her first husband and has multiple children.
2.    In your opinion, is the narrator speaking to someone in particular, or to herself?  Give evidence from the story to support your answer. I would believe she is speaking someone, she says she wants her daughter to know she loves her, and that she wishes things had been different. She also directly addresses the audience by asking a question early on.
3.    What things are important to the narrator? Her children, being a good mother.
4.    What people/events/things are responsible for Emily’s failings? Her mother for not having time for her and sending her to places she doesn’t want to go to, her sister for growing faster and being more popular than her. Her father for divorcing her mother. Her parents for moving around a lot and sending her to the boarding school.

5.    The image of the iron is repeated numerous times, telling the reader that it is an important symbol.  List all of the things that you think it MIGHT be a symbol for, and choose ONE that you think is most likely, and explain it in detail. (Note - marks will be given for evidence of thought, not necessarily for being right) It could be a metaphor for the fact that the mother is always working and doesn’t have time for her daughter. That’s the only one I can think of and I think it fits well.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Free-Writing Post

That picture was rather disturbing. The black eyes, the overall lack of color. It looks like it would belong with a Creepypasta. Something about a dead girl or a dead person or whatnot. That could have potential for being interesting. Some kinda dead and avcenging spirit or some such. Everybodys talking, making it hard to focus, baileys voice comes through the clearest. glad sawyers not in this class, his voice goes through anything. frigging kids impossible to ignore.  everybody keeps talking and talking. now its dylans voice that carries the best. chris just sucked on his lips. lane needs to shut up, same with dylan and bailey. teacher gave us the wrong email on the course sheet. well i already emailed that one so it can stay that way. never stop writing, well its kinda hard to have a free flow of thought in a busy classroom, wouldnt you think? but i digress, now people are whistling, i cant whistle, this sure dosnt feel very free. its like im deliberaly attempting to write down whatever i feel or see or hear. Baileys off making crude jokes again. I can hear maclayne typing.. im going to end this soon, im tired of writing and it feels like itds been close to ten minutes so im done typing, but then again maclayne started before me and shes still going so i should at least contuine until she finishes. but that could be awhile. ah, nevermind. shes done.